Email Signatures

A unified University email signature is an easy and effective way to celebrate the brand.

NAME (Bold 12 pt Arial)
Title (Regular 10pt Arial)

(910) 123-4567 (direct)
(910) 123-4567 (mobile)
(910) 123-4567 (fax)
[email address]
Post Office Box 123
Buies Creek, NC 27506 (or )
Social Media Link 1 (Example: Facebook)
Social Media Link 2
Social Media Link 3
Social Media Link 4

email signature logo


Email Signature Guidelines

  • Font: Arial
  • Color: All text should be black, including hyperlinks.
  • Optional elements: Mobile and fax numbers, mailing address and social media links.
  • The University wordmark is the only image permitted in signatures. Signature marks should not be used for this purpose.
  • No quotes, phrases, verses or wallpapers.

How to Update Your Email Signature

  1. Open a new email
  2. Select “Signature” in the top toolbar
  3. Select “Signatures”
  4. Select “New”
  5. Create a name for your signature.
  6. Copy the text above and fill in your information.
  7. Save.