Voice reflects and expresses our personality. It stays the same across communication and marketing platforms. Tone is our attitude. It changes depending upon the situation, medium, message, and audience.
Together, our voice and tone convey Campbell. Like Campbell, they are purposeful.
Be genuine, forthright, and honest. Avoid fluff. Focus on who we are and what we do. Show how we are a community, how we are purposeful, and why these values matter. Use our people to communicate this. They are our best storytellers. Let them be the conduit to tell the Campbell story.

Be sensible, unpretentious, and candid. Avoid stilted, contrived speech; and avoid jargon. Be straightforward and keep it simple, but not overly homey. Embrace our roots and what is important: We exist to prepare students for purposeful lives and meaningful service. Let that guide you.

Be dynamic. Our university is on the move. Reflect that with motion. When you can: Use the active voice. Use verbs that build energy. Write in the present tense. Write in the first and second person. Show conviction (More of “We will, we give, we provide,” and less of “We hope to, we aspire to, we might.”). And be optimistic. Highlight benefits and attributes.

Be deliberate and intentional with every word, and think about the audience. In fact, treat the audience the same way our university operates: be other-oriented. Focus on them, and meet their needs – both in how you communicate and what you communicate. Treat every word, every story, and every reader like they matter, because they do.

Be open, warm, engaging, and conversational. Deliver materials that invite others to interact with you and to take action. Be informative, educational, and inspiring when you need to be; and be witty and playful when you can be – think social media!